Thursday, January 31, 2013

Laundry Soap

So I'll admit it I have a love for Pinterest and of course saving money.  About a year ago I was just getting into it and one of the first items that I saw was a how to for home made laundry soap.  My first thoughts were that:  #1-It would suck, #2-It seemed like something that my great grandmother would do, #3-It would take hours of my time, #4-I'd end up with 20 gallons of the liquid variety and finally #5-It would suck (I really thought this would be the case).  Well since was really trying to expand my views on some of the simpler ways of life I thought that I would give it a go......and I'll never go back.  That's right I am hooked.  This is so simple to do, it takes up less room to store, honestly works the same if not better than the name brand soap, leaves our clothes smelling just clean without a lot of skin irritating dyes and scents and of course it's dirt (no pun intended) CHEAP!  I have been asked for my recipe a bunch of times and have heard nothing but good remarks for friends and family who have also made the change.  Here's how I make my trusted laundry soap.

2 cups Borax
2 cups Washing Soda
1 bar of soap (I use simple ivory bar soap)

Use 2 Tbsp per load of laundry.

I store mine in an plastic storage box and just keep an old measuring spoon right in there.  You can find the borax and washing soda right in the laundry soap section of your sure to buy washing soda not baking soda (I use Arm & Hammer).  When it comes to the soap I buy a 3 pack for roughly $1.50 - a quick hint, remove the soap from the wrapper a couple of days ahead of time so it can dry out a bit as this will make grating it much easier (but if you forget like I always do it's super easy to grate it fresh out of the package too).  I also picked up a cheap plastic food grater that I used just for laundry soap making.  Now to make the goods - simply measure out the borax and washing soda them grate in 1 bar of soap.  I will often double or triple my batch and typically this will last me approx 4-6 months.  I also found that this soap works best if you use warm water (no need for hot just warm) and put it in first when the water started then add the clothes as the water is still filling.  

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